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Dr.Nejat Capar Interview for Alumni Newsletter

Nejat Capar Dr. Nejat Çapar is the Acting Dean of the Bang College of Business at KIMEP University in Almaty, Kazakhstan. His research interests include international diversification and performance relationships, the interrelationships between diversification, firm resources and performance, as well as cross-cultural differences in management. He has published in the Journal of International Business Studies, Academy of Management Proceedings, and Journal of Business Ethics, among others. Nejat received his Ph.D. in Strategic Management from Florida State University and MBA from Temple University.


Can you briefly describe what BCB graduate programs are?

The Bang College of Business has a full range of graduate programs. Starting with the MBA program; it is the oldest program at KIMEP University actually as well as the first MBA program in Kazakhstan. MBA is geared towards preparing future managers for leading management positions in their companies and organizations. It is a more generalist degree that focuses on developing all the functional areas of students in a balanced way that will allow them to become successful managers. On the other hand, we also have specialized master programs such as Masters in Finance, Accounting, Marketing and Management. In contrast to the MBA degree, the specialized masters programs aim to help students to become better specialist in each of these areas. Managers are crucial for the success of any organizations because without good management no organization can be successful. Our mission is therefore to prepare highly competent managers whether specialists or generalists who will contribute to the success of their organizations. By obtaining a high quality education, we also aim for our graduates to have a very successful career.

BCB also offers also PhD programs in each functional areas. The aim of a PhD education is primarily to train future faculty members as well as those who are more interested in the academic side of business with a focus on theory and research. In addition, to becoming a future academic and university professor, a PhD degree can also be helpful for business careers. Top managers and business consultants often obtain PhD degrees in order to become more competent in the theory of the businesses in which they are.

What are some careers that will open up to me with BCB graduate program diploma?

The graduate programs have been developed in line with the best universities in the world to provide the best and most relevant business education to our students. Past 30 years of experience and results have shown that BCB graduates are very successful in their careers and have the best possible jobs that are available. The following is a list of companies and organizations where our graduates successfully work:

PwC, KPMG, EY and Deloitte, McKinsey, BCG, Samuryk Kazyna, Chevron, Tengizchevroil and

Mars, Nestle, Danone, BAT, Philipp Morris, JTI, Antal, Huawei, Samsung, Halyk Bank, Jusan Bank, Kazatomprom, KEGOC and many other national and international companies.

Can it be done part-time? I have a job and have to work.

Yes. Our MBA and Master classes are held in the evenings that allows students to study while they work.

Who are some of your BCB graduate alumni and what are they doing as a result of their degree?

The Bang College of Business has more than 8,000 alumni. As mentioned above, our alumni are very successful in their careers holding high level or the highest level positions in their organizations. Just to give you a few examples, Alikhan Smailov – Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Nurdaulet Aidossov – CEO of Jusan Bank are among the many notable alumni who are having remarkable success in their careers.

Since the College’s founding, BCB graduates have been an unrivaled source of business talents to local and multinational employers and have played major roles in the development of a thriving business community in Kazakhstan.

What format of education online or offline at KIMEP?

Due to coronavirus pandemic, KIMEP University had to switch to online education during the past two years. However, we have switched back this semester back to face-to-face, traditional education which takes place in classrooms.  However, we are also using the experiences gained in the past and making full use of technology in our education that also allows for blended learning approaches.

Are there scholarships available?

KIMEP University offers various types of scholarships based on academic merit. These include scholarships, grants, teaching assistantships, and other on-campus employment opportunities. The amount and type of scholarships or grants depends on several criteria and the student’s academic performance. KIMEP University is trying its best to also provide education to students who are academically qualified regardless of their financial means. Together with families, KIMEP University works on a variety of ways to support students through corporate donations and sponsorships, our own funds, trilateral agreements between industry and students, student work opportunities on and off campus, flexible tuition payment system, including monthly payments and individual payment plans.