Программа бакалавриата информационных систем (BIS) предоставляет студентам фундаментальные и передовые знания и навыки в области информационных систем, разработки программного обеспечения и управления информационными системами. Выпускники программы также приобретают фундаментальные знания в области бухгалтерского учета, финансов, менеджмента и маркетинга.

После успешного завершения программы «Бакалавр информационных систем» выпускники смогут:

  • демонстрировать владение английским языком для эффективного устного и письменного делового общения;
  • демонстрировать и применять инструменты математического и статистического анализа, современные информационные технологии при решении управленческих задач, связанных с бизнес-процессами и проектами;
  • демонстрировать и применять основные принципы и навыки бизнеса, управления и лидерства (в области менеджмента, маркетинга, управления операциями и делового права), а также интегрировать теорию в практику с целью решения управленческих задач;
  • демонстрировать и применять современные методы сбора данных, связанных с бизнес-операциями и подготовкой финансовых отчетов, а также финансового анализа и рационального распределения ресурсов компании;
  • выявлять и исправлять существующие и потенциальные проблемы, связанные с этикой, ответственностью и устойчивостью в области управления;
  • планировать и управлять информационной системой компании, организации, проектировать базу данных;
  • применять навыки структурирования и анализа исходных наборов данных различного происхождения;
  • использовать интеллектуальные системы для анализа больших данных и принятия решений с минимальными рисками;
  • создавать собственные системы, подсистемы хранения, обработки данных, больших данных;
  • создавать и адаптировать готовое программное обеспечение под нужды компании, организации;
  • применять различные известные методы анализа и визуализации данных для отчетности и принятия решений;
  • применять современные программно-аппаратные комплексы, формирующие информационную систему в локальном и сетевом масштабе.

Для получения степени Бакалавра в области Информационных систем студенту необходимо получить 146 кредита КИМЭП (240 ECTS).

В следующей таблице представлен учебный план программы финансы.

Категории предметов ECTS Кредиты КИМЭП
Общеобразовательные требования 56 36
Основные программные требования 112 68
Требования к основной специализации 60 36
Итоговая аттестация 12 6
ВСЕГО 240 146

Основные программные требования (112 ECTS/68 кредитов КИМЭП):

  • Обязательные предметы (97 ECTS credits / 59 кредитов КИМЭП)
  • Предметы по выбору (15 ECTS credits/9 кредитов КИМЭП)
Основные программные требования ECTS Кредиты КИМЭП Пререквизиты
Обязательные предметы 97 59
BUS4251.1 Программа практики I 2 1 30 кредитов КИМЭП
IFS4251.2/ IFS4201.2  

Программа практики II





60 кредитов КИМЭП и  BUS4251.1
ENG/GEN1100 Академическая речь 5 3 ENG 1110/ GEN1010
ENG/GEN1121 Академическое чтение и письмо 2 5 3 ENG 1120
KAZ2103 или  RUS2103 Профессиональный казахский язык (русский язык) 3 2
FIN2105 Бизнес микроэкономика 5 3 ENG 1120
CIT2735 Основы программирования 5 3 GEN/OPM 1300 или

GEN/OPM 2301

MGT3001 Основы управления 5 3 ENG 1120
ACC2102 Финансовый учет I 5 3 FIN2105
FIN3121 Финансовый менеджмент 5 3 ACC2102, FIN2105
IFS2203 Управленческие информационные системы 5 3 GEN/OPM 1300 or

GEN/OPM 2301

MKT3130 Основы маркетинга 5 3 ENG 1120
MATH1202 Исчисления 5 3 Нет
OPM3131 Основы операционного менеджмента 5 3 IFS2402
IFS2402 Вероятность и математическая статистика 5 3 MATH1202
ACC2201 Управленческий учет I 5 3 ACC2102
FIN3210 Корпоративные финансы 5 3 FIN3121, ACC 2102, FIN2105
LAW2202 Деловое законодательство 5 3
MGT4201 Стратегия и политика бизнеса 5 3 MGT3001, MKT3130, FIN3121, ACC2201
OPM3011 Количественные методы анализа бизнес-данных GEN/IFS2402
MATH1204 Математика для информатики 5 3 MATH1202
Предметы по выбору 15 9
  XXXX Электив 1 5 3
XXXX Электив 2 5 3
XXXX Электив 3 5 3
ВСЕГО 112 68

Требования к основной специализации (36 кредитов КИМЭП/ 60 ECTS):

  • Обязательные предметы (27 кредитов КИМЭП/ 45 ECTS) и
  • Предметы по выбору (9 кредитов КИМЭП/ 15 ECTS)
Требования к основной специализации ECTS Кредиты КИМЭП Пререквизиты
Обязательные предметы 45 27
CIT3805 Аналитика больших данных 5 3 OPM3011, IFS4204
IFS2204 Алгоритмы, структура данных и программирование 5 3 нет
IFS4204 Система поддержки принятия решения 5 3 GEN/OPM 1300 или GEN/OPM 2301
CIT1303 Информационные системы и сети 5 3 PHYS1201 или GEN/OPM1300
CIT2302 Системы управления базами данных в бизнесе 5 3 GEN/OPM 1300 или GEN/OPM 2301
CIT2731 Бизнес графика 5 3 GEN/OPM 1300 или GEN/OPM 2301
CIT3802 Веб-технологии в бизнесе 5 3 GEN/OPM 1300 или GEN/OPM 2301
IFS4242 Расширенное программирование 5 3 IFS2204
IFS4251.3 Программа практики в ИС III 5 3 IFS4251.2/ IFS4201.2
Предметы по выбору 15 9
IFS3745 Управление информационной безопасностью 5 3 GEN/OPM 1300 или GEN/OPM 2301
CIT3808 Мобильные платформы и системы 5 3 GEN/OPM 1300 или GEN/OPM 2301
IFS4302 Приложения бизнес-аналитики 5 3 GEN/OPM 1300 или GEN/OPM 2301
IFS2301 Введение в науку о данных 5 3 GEN/OPM 1300 или GEN/OPM 2301
CIT3801 Концепции разработки программного обеспечения 5 3 IFS2204
CIT3809 Мобильное программирование 5 3 CIT1303
CIT3810 Обучение автоматизации 5 3 CIT1303
CIT3804 Инженерные вычисления и наука о данных 5 3 IFS2301, IFS2204
OPM4302 Управление проектами 5 3 OPM3131
IFS3201 Блокчейн и криптовалюта 5 3 OPM3011, FIN3121, IFS2402
IFS3202 Разработка и программирование ПРП (ERP) 5 3 IFS2204, CIT2302
CIT3806 Безопасность криптографических данных 5 3 IFS2204
CIT3811 Безопасность компьютерных сетей 5 3 IFS2204
CIT3812 Программирование на C 5 3 IFS2204
CIT3803 Программирование на Python 5 3 IFS2204
CIT3807 Программирование на Java 5 3 IFS2204
CIT3814 Программирование на PHP 5 3 IFS2204
CIT3815 Разработка базы данных с SQL 5 3 IFS2204
CIT3908 Кибербезопасность 5 3 GEN/OPM 1300 или GEN/OPM 2301
IFS4305 Визуализация данных 5 3 GEN/OPM 1300 или GEN/OPM 2301
CIT3816 Мобильные технологии и приложения 5 3 GEN/OPM 1300 или GEN/OPM 2301
IFS4203 Управление и анализ больших данных 5 3 GEN/OPM 1300 или GEN/OPM 2301
IFS3738 Цифровой бизнес 5 3 GEN/OPM 1300 или GEN/OPM 2301
IFS4208 ИТ Бизнес-модель 5 3 GEN/OPM 1300 или GEN/OPM 2301
IFS3730 Бизнес аналитика 5 3 GEN2402, GEN/OPM 1300 или GEN/ OPM 2301
BUS4800 Исследование проблем современного бизнеса 5 3 GEN/OPM 1300 или GEN/OPM 2301
BUS3334 Этика, ответственность и устойчивое развитие в бизнесе 5 3 MGT3001, MKT3130, FIN3121, ACC2201
MGT3219 Корпоративная социальная ответственность 5 3 MGT3001
OPM3215 Прогноз временного ряда бизнеса 5 3 OPM3011
FIN2106 Бизнес Макроэкономика 5 3 FIN2105
IFS4306 Система планирования ресурсов предприятия 5 3 CIT2302
ВСЕГО   60 36

Итоговая аттестация (6 кредитов КИМЭП/12 ECTS):

Предметы итоговой аттестации ECTS Кредиты КИМЭП Пререквизиты
BUS4271 Дипломная работа I 6 3 102 кредита и GEN2402
IFS4272 Дипломная работа II 6 3 128 кредита и BUS4271
ВСЕГО 12 6

Студенты программы Информационные системы могут выбрать одну из следующих предлагаемых специализаций:

  • Аналитика больших данных
  • Управленческие информационные системы

Аналитика больших данных (36 кредитов КИМЭП / 60 ECTS)

Требуется пройти следующие предметы для получения данной специализации:

Код предмета Название предмета ECTS Кредит КИМЭП
Course Code  Course Title

Все 9 обязательных предметов по основной   специализации





Любые три предмета из:
IFS2301 Введение в науку о данных 5 3
OPM3215 Прогноз временного ряда бизнеса 5 3
IFS4302 Приложения бизнес-аналитики 5 3
IFS4305 Визуализация данных 5 3
IFS3730 Бизнес аналитика 5 3
CIT3810 Обучение автоматизации 5 3
CIT3815 Разработка базы данных с SQL 5 3
ВСЕГО Инженерные вычисления и наука о данных 5 3
ВСЕГО 60 36


Управленческие информационные системы (36 кредитов КИМЭП / 60 ECTS)

Требуется пройти следующие предметы для получения данной специализации:

Код предмета Название предмета ECTS Кредит КИМЭП
Course Code  Course Title

Все 9 обязательных предметов по основной   специализации





Любые три предмета из:
IFS4206 Система планирования ресурсов предприятия 5 3
IFS3202 Разработка и программирование ПРП (ERP) 5 3
IFS4305 Визуализация данных 5 3
OPM4302 Управление проектом 5 3
CIT3808 Мобильные платформы и системы 5 3
IFS3745 Управление информационной безопасностью 5 3
IFS3738 Цифровой бизнес 5 3
IFS4302 Приложения бизнес-аналитики 5 3
IFS3201 Блокчейн и криптовалюта 5 3
ВСЕГО 60 36




Студентам предоставляется выбор из числа нескольких дополнительных специализаций, однако, возможно завершить учебу и без прохождения дополнительной специализации. Обучение без дополнительной специализации предоставляет больше гибкости при выборе элективных предметов, так как специализация обязывает студента пройти определенный набор предметов.


Для получения дополнительной специализации всем студентам факультета бизнеса требуется прохождение предметов, составляющих в итоге  9 кредитов КИМЭП или 15 кредитов ECTS. Один и тот же предмет не может быть зачтен для основной и дополнительной специализаций.


В таблице ниже перечислены требования к ДОПОЛНИТЕЛЬНЫМ СПЕЦИАЛИЗАЦИЯМ студентов ФББ.

Код Название предмета Кредиты КИМЭП ECTS Пререквизит
ACC3101 Финансовый учет II 3 5 ACC2102
ACC3201 Финансовый учет (средний уровень) I 3 5 ACC3101
ACC3202 Финансовый учет (средний уровень) II 3 5 ACC3201
ACC3212 Информационные системы учета 3 5  




Управленческий учет II 3 5  


FIN3210 Корпоративные финансы 3 5 FIN3121,

ACC2102, FIN2105

FIN3220 Инвестиции 3 5 FIN3121
FIN3230 Управление финансовыми институтами 3 5 FIN3121


Системы управления базами данных в бизнесе  




GEN/OPM 1300

или GEN/OPM2301

CIT1303 Информационные системы и сети  




GEN/OPM 1300

или GEN/OPM2301

IFS3745 Управление информационной безопасностью  




GEN/OPM 1300

или GEN/OPM2301

IFS4204 Системыподдержки принятия решений  




GEN/OPM 1300

или GEN/OPM2301



Бизнес графика  




GEN/OPM 1300

или GEN/OPM2301



Системы поддержки принятия решений  




GEN/OPM 1300

или GEN/OPM2301



Сетевые технологии в бизнесе  




GEN/OPM 1300

или GEN/OPM2301



Лидерство и мотивация 3 5  


MGT3208 Управление инновациями 3 5  


MGT3210 Международный бизнес 3 5 MGT3001
MGT3212 Организационное поведение 3 5  


LDP3201 Лидерство: принципы и передовой опыт 3 5  


LDP4201 Лидерство: применение принципов 3 5  


LDP4202 Лидерство в действии 3 5 LDP 3201


MGT3204 Управление человеческими ресурсами 3 5  


MGT4208 Подготовка и развитие 3 5 MGT3204


Менеджмент вознаграждений и производительности  






MGT3211 Основы предпринимательства 3 5  


MGT3218 Инновация бизнес модели 3 5 MGT3211


Создание и ускорение предприятия  






MKT3150 Стратегический маркетинг 3 5 MKT3130
MKT3201 Потребительское поведение 3 5 MKT3150
MKT3202 Маркетинговые коммуникации 3 5  


MKT3214 Бренд менеджмент 3 5 MKT3150
MKT4203 Маркетинговое исследование 3 5 MKT3150
MKT3221 Принципы и практика туризма 3 5 Нет
MGT3215 Управление гостиничным бизнесом 3 5 Нет
MKT3222 Маркетинг кросс-культурного туризма 3 5 MKT3130
MKT3223 Нишевой туризм 3 5 Нет
MGT3216 Управление досугом и развлечениями 3 5 Нет
IFS3202 Система управления базами данных 3 5 GEN/OPM1300 или GEN/OPM2301
IFS4203 Менеджмент и анализ больших данных 3 5 GEN/OPM1300 или GEN/OPM2301
IFS4204 Системы поддержки принятия решений 3 5 GEN/OPM1300 или GEN/OPM2301
IFS4302 Приложения бизнес-аналитики 3 5 GEN/OPM1300 или

GEN/OPM2301; MKT 3130

CIT3908 Кибербезопасность 3 5 GEN/OPM1300 или GEN/OPM2301
CIT3816 Мобильные технологии и приложения 3 5 GEN/OPM1300 или GEN/OPM2301
OPM3205 Логистика и управление цепочками поставок 3 5 OPM3131
OPM4201 Закуп и управление материальными потоками 3 5 OPM3205
OPM4501 Управление транспортировкой и распределением 3 5 OPM3131


 Для получения грамоты за отличную успеваемость по специализированным программам бакалавриата студенту необходимо:

  1. Пройти три предмета в соответствующей области, предлагаемые программами бакалавриата факультета бизнеса им. Бэнга;
  2. Соблюсти требование к суммарному GPA (не менее 4.00) по всем предметам, обязательным для получения соответствующей грамоты.
  3. Пройти все пререквизиты (освобождение от пререквизитов, параллельная регистрации, прохождение предметов программы CSS в качестве эквивалентов программы BCB не разрешается).

«АУДИТ» (9 кредитов КИМЭП / 15 ECTS)

Обязательные предметы:
ACC4203 Аудит
ACC4209 Раследование случаев мошенничества
ACC4216 Профессиональный аудит


Обязательные предметы:
ACC3205 Принципы налогообложения
ACC3210 Налогообложение в Казахстане
ACC4240 Налогообложение мультинациональных корпораций


Обязательные предметы:
FIN4224 Международный финансовый менеджмент
FIN4212 Слияния и поглощения
FIN4221 Инвестиционный банкинг


Обязательные предметы:
FIN3230 Управление финансовыми институтами
FIN4224 Финансовые деривативы
FIN4232 Управление финансовым риском и принятие решений


Обязательные предметы:
MKT3202 Маркетинговые коммуникации
MKT3201 Поведение потребителей
MKT3214 Бренд менеджмент


Обязательные предметы:
MKT3221 Практика и принципы туризма
MGT3215 Управление гостиничным бизнесом
MKT3222 Маркетинг кросс-культурного туризма/ MKT3223 Нишевой туризм

/MGT3216 Управление досугом и развлечениями


Обязательные предметы:
MGT3211 Основы предпринимательства
MGT321 8 Инновации в бизнес-моделях
MGT321 7 Построение и развитие компании


Обязательные предметы (любые 3 предмета):
IFS3202 Системы управления базами данных
CIT3805 Анализ больших данных
IFS4204 Системы поддержки принятия решений
IFS4302 Приложения бизнес-аналитики
CIT3908 Кибербезопасность
CIT3816 Мобильные технологии и приложения

«ЛОГИСТИКА» (9 кредитов КИМЭП / 15 ECTS)

Обязательные предметы:
OPM3205 Логистика и управление сетями поставок
OPM4201 Управление покупками и материальными потоками
OPM4501 Управление транспортировками и распределением

«ЛИДЕРСТВО» (9 кредитов КИМЭП / 15 ECTS)

Цель программы развития лидерства – помочь студентам развить необходимые навыки для занятия ключевых должностей в казахстанском бизнесе и правительстве. Основное внимание уделяется практическому применению лидерских навыков, заканчивающемуся прохождением практики под руководством преподавателя. Студенты, выполнившие все перечисленные ниже требования программы, получают Сертификат по Лидерству.

 Обязательные предметы
LDP3201 Лидерство: основы и лучшие практики
LDP4201 Лидерство: практическое применение основ
LDP4202 Лидерство в действии


PHYS1201 Physics (3 Credits; 5 ECTS)

No Prerequisite

This course provides students with the opportunity to develop their knowledge, understanding and skills relevant
to the study of motion. Students examine energy in its different forms, and how we describe and measure
electricity and magnetism and their interrelated effects.

GEN 1201 Mathematics for Business and Economics (3 Credits; 5 ECTS)

Prerequisites: None

The course develops the basic concepts of mathematical analysis used in economics and business with emphasis on
differentiation and integration of single real-variable functions and matrix algebra. The approach to these
concepts is intuitive and visual. The formal proofs are given only when they help in understanding concepts.
Applications to economics, business and social science as well as computational realizations are studied.

GEN2402 Business Statistical Analysis (3 Credits; 5 ECTS)

Prerequisites: GEN 1201 Mathematics for Business and Economics/MATH1202 Calculus

The course provides basic knowledge of probability, axioms of probability, expectation, joint and conditional
probability distributions, Bayesian concepts of statistical inference, exploratory data analysis and data
transformations, confidence limits, continuous probability distributions, sampling distributions, sampling
surveys, hypotheses testing, regression analysis, analysis of variance and correlation analysis.

MATH1202 Mathematics for Computer Science 1 (Calculus I)

Prerequisites: none

The course introduces the basic mathematical tools and methods needed for computer science. It teaches how to
develop the elementary mathematical skills needed to define, analyze and reason with the sorts of abstract
concepts used in programming and computer science.

MATH1204 Mathematics for Computer Science 2 (Calculus III)

Prerequisites: Mathematics for Computer Science 1

The course introduces the advanced mathematical tools and methods needed for computer science. It teaches the
principles of discrete and linear algebra applied in programming and computer science.

IFS2402 Probability and Mathematical Statistics

Prerequisites: Mathematics for Computer Science 1

The courses introduces probability theory and mathematical statistics. It teaches the concept and elementary
properties of probability space, and random variables and their probability distributions. The concept of
sampling, estimation, and hypotheses testing is also explained.

OPM3011 Decision Techniques and Tools (3 Credits; 5 ECTS)

Prerequisite: GEN1201 Mathematics for Business and Economics/MATH1202 Mathematics for Computer
Science 1 and FIN3121 Principles of Finance

The course provides the essential concepts of business mathematical methods and knowledge about computer tools
used for decision making and problem solving. It will deal with such topics as LP Solutions, Breakeven Analysis,
Sensitivity Analysis, Decision Trees, CPM/PERT, Time Series Analysis, Quantitative Forecasting Techniques,
Decision Support Systems & Spreadsheets. The course will have a lab section added to focus on application of
computer tools.

OPM3131 Introduction to Operations Management (3 Credits; 5 ECTS)

Prerequisite: GEN2402 Business statistical Analysis or IFS2402 Probability and Mathematical Statistics

This course is an overview of the fundamentals of operations management (OM) used in service and manufacturing
organizations. OM uses analytical thinking to deal with real world problems. Students will be introduced to the
application of effective operations management techniques: productivity management, product and process design,
job design, the planning and management of materials flows, manpower and capacity planning and scheduling,
project management, and quality management.

OPM3215 Business Time Series Forecasting (3 Credits; 5 ECTS)

Prerequisite: GEN2402 Business statistical Analysis

The course is devoted to advanced students who would like to refine their knowledge in applied statistics. The
course consists of forecasting models and techniques, such as exponential smoothing models, ARIMA models, neural
network techniques, rule-based forecasting, business forecasting. Commercial software such as SPSS and Neural
Networks Package will be used for practical applications. Examples of time series forecasting related to
marketing, operations, and finance are provided.

GEN/OPM 1300 Information & Communication Technologies or GEN/OPM2301 Business Computer Applications

Prerequisites: None

The purpose of the course is to introduce the background of computer and information technology principles to
beginners and pre-intermediate level students. The course involves uses of modern software, such as Microsoft
Windows, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Internet and E-mail programs, which are necessary for studying at KIMEP. This
course is a broad overview of the main topics in business computer applications. Students gain an understanding
of computer architecture, networks, telecommunications; they learn how to apply information and knowledge
systems, operations and decision support systems, spreadsheets, databases to a wide range of tasks and decision
making process. The course emphasizes how organizations benefit from and use computer-based technology. The
purpose of the course is to foster business thinking through available technical means.

CIT1303 Information Systems and Networking

Prerequisites: GEN/OPM 1300 Information & Communication Technologies or GEN/OPM2301 Business
Computer Applications

This course focuses on the information systems and networking principles and best practices. In this course
students will learn the foundation concepts of computer hardware, software, operating systems, peripherals, etc.
along with how to get the most value and impact from computer technology. The course includes creating and
working with a computer network and network equipment.

IFS2203 Management Information Systems (3 Credits; 5 ECTS)

Prerequisite: GEN/OPM 1300 Information & Communication Technologies or GEN/OPM2301 Business Computer

This course provides a broad overview of the information systems including their resources and components. In
addition the course discusses key managerial issues relating to implementation and application of information
systems in an enterprise, understanding the impact of information systems/ information technology on business
functions; outlining strategies for corporate growth based on the effective use and management of information
systems; analyzing business problems and developing the design for relevant information systems solutions;
understanding how information systems can be used to transform business processes and provide more effective
management control and decision systems.

IFS2204 Algorithms, Data structures, and Programming (3 credits; 5 ECTS)

Prerequisite: PHYS1201 Physics, MATH1202 Calculus

This course is designed for teaching students three main fundamental terms in software engineering — data
structures, algorithms, and programming. Students will learn types of data such as arrays, stacks, queues,
linked lists, binary search trees, heaps, and graphs, the syntax of data declaration and manipulation in
object-oriented programming language environment. Students will learn types of algorithms — linear, non-linear,
the possible algorithm presentation ways, algorithms that make use of such structures as for sorting, searching,
memory management. Students will also learn at least 2 programming languages at the examples of deciding
different computational, business problems.

CIT2731 Digital Graphics in Business (3 Credits; 5 ECTS)

Prerequisites: GEN/OPM 1300 Information & Communication Technologies or GEN/OPM2301 Business
Computer Applications

This course involves studies of computer graphics software; basis of computer graphics: vector, bitmap (raster),
2-, 3- dimensional software packages, graphics coding, etc. The course is emphasized on the use of computer
graphics in business (design of business cards, logo, booklets, leaflets, animated banners, billboards, etc.)
with Corel Draw 12, Corel Draw X5 as software package “3 in 1” combining vector and bitmap graphics facilities
(drawing with Corel Draw, image modifying with Corel Photo Paint, animating with Corel R.A.V.E.)

CIT2302 Database Management Systems in Business (3 Credits; 5 ECTS)

Prerequisite: GEN/OPM 1300 Information & Communication Technologies or GEN/OPM2301 Business
Computer Applications

This course covers fundamentals of databases & database management systems. The course introduces types and
models of data base logical organization, relational structure of database systems based on entity relationship
diagrams. The course contains basic principles of the relational database management systems with key fields and
relationship models, with database testing mechanisms via Normal forms. The course contains principles of
securing data while monitoring, editing, transferring. The course is compiled in the sequential manner from
declaring, structuring, arranging data to managing data with data base management system -DBMS objects such as
queries, forms, reports, pages. The course contains basis of programming with built-in DBMS languages like SQL,
built-in macro-commands

CIT3734 Web Technologies in Business (3 Credits; 5 ECTS)

Prerequisites: GEN/OPM 1300 Information & Communication Technologies or GEN/OPM2301 Business
Computer Applications

This course provides knowledge about Web Design principles. In this course students will learn the fundamentals
of web site design. Topics include publishing Web sites, updating web sites, Internet technologies. Topics
include an overview of the www, e-mail, browsers, basic web page elements and organization of virtual
communities. In the course software for web site development such as MS FrontPage and Dream Weaver are taken as

CIT3745 Information Security Management (3 Credits; 5 ECTS)

Prerequisites: GEN/OPM 1300 Information & Communication Technologies or GEN/OPM2301 Business Computer

The purpose of this course is to show some of the critical security challenges in today’s computing world and to
discuss mechanisms for defending against those attacks by using classical and modern approaches of cryptography
and other defence mechanisms. Course contains topics which deal with theoretical and fundamental aspects of
cryptography, discuss various applications of cryptographic protocols and techniques in designing computing and
network security solutions. The course will be useful for students interested in cryptography and security
related areas.

CIT3801 Software Engineering Concepts (3 Credits; 5 ECTS)

Prerequisites: IFS2204 Algorithms. Data structures and Programming, CIT2735 Introduction to Programming

Software engineering is the application of a systematic disciplined quantifiable approach to the development,
operation and maintenance of software; the application of engineering to software. In the course there will be
given basic activities which are common to all software engineering process models: software specification –
functional requirements obtained from the user; software design and implementation – production of the software
system as a product; software validation – activity that assures that customer specifications are met; software
evolution – system modification to meet continuing customer needs.

CIT3802 Advanced Programming (3 Credits; 5 ECTS)

Prerequisites: CIT2735 Introduction to Programming

This course introduces computer programming using JAVA Script and the basics of JAVA programming languages with
the principles of object-oriented programming. The emphasis is on event-driven programming methods, including
creating and managing objects, classes, and using object-oriented tools, such as a class debugger. Upon
completion, students should be able to develop, code, test, and debug JAVA Script and JAVA language programs.

CIT3803 Python Programming (3 Credits; 5 ECTS)

Prerequisites: CIT2735 Introduction to Programming

In this course students will learn programming in Python which is a popular programming language. It was
created by Guido van Rossum, and released in 1991. It is used for: web development (server-side),software
development, mathematics, system scripting. Students will learn how to utilize Python program to create web
applications; to create workflows; to connect to database systems, to read and modify files; to handle big data
and perform complex mathematics; to rapid prototype; to do production-ready software development.

CIT3804 Engineering Computation and Data Science(3 Credits; 5 ECTS)

Prerequisites: IFS4301 Introduction to Data Science

This course trains students to use and manage scientific data, whether it is in analyzing complex physical
systems or in using statistics and machine learning, along with data visualization to extract useful information
from the massive amount of data that can be also collected from sensors today. The course is committed to the
development of new knowledge aimed at development and propagation of the use of numerical and computational
tools to further research across multiple disciplines.

CIT3805 Big Data Analytics (3 Credits; 5 ECTS)

Prerequisites: IFS4301 Introduction to Data Science

This course covers Big Data Fundamentals, including the characteristics of Big Data, the sources Big Data (such
as social media, sensor data, and geospatial data), as well as the challenges imposed around information
management, data analytics, privacy and security, as well as platforms and architectures. Data warehouses will
also be presented as a solution to handling big data and business intelligence applications. This course is for
understanding why the Big Data Era has come to be. This course provide students with the terminology and the
core concepts behind big data problems, applications, and systems. It will help students to start thinking about
how Big Data might be useful in their business or career.

CIT3806 Cryptographic Data Security (3 Credits; 5 ECTS)

Prerequisites: MATH1202 Calculus and GEN/OPM 1300 Information & Communication Technologies or GEN/OPM2301
Business Computer Applications

The purpose of this course is to show some of the critical security challenges in today’s computing world and to
discuss mechanisms for defending against those attacks by using classical and modern approaches of cryptography
and other defense mechanisms. Course contains topics which deal with theoretical and fundamental aspects of
cryptography, discuss various applications of cryptographic protocols and techniques in designing computing and
network security solutions. The course will be useful for students interested in cryptography and security
related areas.

CIT2735 Introduction to Programming  (3 Credits; 5 ECTS)

Prerequisites: IFS2204 Algorithms, Data structures and Programming

This course introduces computer programming using JAVA Script and basis of JAVA programming languages with
object-oriented programming principles. Emphasis is placed on event- driven programming methods, including
creating and manipulating objects, classes, and using object-oriented tools such as the class debugger. Upon
completion students should be able to design, code, test, and debug JAVA Script and JAVA language programs

CIT3812 Programming in C (3 Credits; 5 ECTS)

Prerequisites: CIT2735 Introduction to Programming

The course teaches C language of programming, developed for creating system applications that directly interact
with the hardware devices such as drivers, kernels, etc. C programming is considered as the base for other
programming languages, that is why it is known as a mother language.

CIT3807 Programming in Java (3 Credits; 5 ECTS)

Prerequisites: CIT2735 Introduction to Programming

The course teaches Java, a popular general-purpose programming language and computing platform. It is fast,
reliable, and secure. According to Oracle, the company that owns Java, Java runs on 3 billion devices worldwide.
Considering the number of Java developers, devices running Java, and companies adapting it, it’s safe to say
that Java will be around for many years to come.

CIT3814 Programming in PHP (3 Credits; 5 ECTS)

Prerequisites: CIT2735 Introduction to Programming

The course teaches PHP, a popular general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited to web
development. The language has the ability to communicate back and forth with a server and create a dynamic web
page for the user.

CIT3815 Programming in SQL (3 Credits; 5 ECTS)

Prerequisites: CIT2735 Introduction to Programming

The course will teach SQL, a domain-specific language used in programming. The language is designed for managing
data held in a relational database management system, or for stream processing in a relational data stream
management system.

CIT3811 Security in Computer Networks (3 Credits; 5 ECTS)

Prerequisites: CIT1303 Information Systems and Networking

The courses teaches the fundamental of network security, which consists of the policies and practices adopted to
prevent and monitor unauthorized access, misuse, modification, or denial of a computer network and
network-accessible resources.

CIT3809 Mobile Programming (3 Credits; 5 ECTS)

Prerequisites: CIT2735 Introduction to Programming

This course teaches how to develop mobile applications for mobile devices, such as personal or enterprise
digital assistants or mobile phones. These applications can be pre-installed on phones during manufacturing
stage, or delivered as web applications using server-side or client-side processing to provide an
«application-like» experience within a Web browser.

CIT3810 Machine Learning (3 Credits; 5 ECTS)

Prerequisites: CIT2735 Introduction to Programming

The course teaches the fundamental of Machine learning, a method of data analysis that automates analytical
model building. It is based on the idea that systems can learn from data, identify patterns and make decisions
with minimal human intervention.

CIT3808 Mobile Platforms and Systems (3 Credits; 5 ECTS)

Prerequisites: CIT2735 Introduction to Programming

The course teaches the hardware and software environment for laptops, tablets, smartphones and other portable
devices. The students will learn different platforms like Windows and Mac dominated the laptop world, and Apple
and Android that rule the smartphone/tablet devices.

CIT3802 Web programming (3 Credits; 5 ECTS)

Prerequisites: CIT2735 Introduction to Programming

The course teaches programing for develop website development. Web development can range from developing a
simple single static page of plain text to complex web-based internet applications, electronic businesses, and
social networks.

IFS 4204 Decision Support Systems (3 Credits; 5 ECTS)

Prerequisites: GEN/OPM 1300 Information & Communication Technologies or GEN/OPM2301 Business Computer

A decision support system (DSS) — is a computer system that encompasses mathematical models, informational
databases and a user interface to help managers make better decisions. This course is intended to develop an
appreciation of the nature of managerial business decision making as well as a working knowledge of Decision
Support Systems (DSS) for facilitating the process of semi-structured decision making. The course will help
students to gain proficiency in general solutions of operational business problems, using Decision Support
Systems released in spreadsheets at the examples of MS Excel, Google sheet (free cloud), released in free cloud
applications – such as Microsoft Power BI, and special commercial DSS software including IBM SPSS.

IFS4301 Introduction to Data Science (3 Credits; 5 ECTS)

Prerequisites: GEN/OPM 1300 Information & Communication Technologies or GEN/OPM2301 Business Computer

This course covers the necessary tools and concepts used in the data science industry, including machine
learning, statistical inference, scaled data, and more. Students will learn the basics of retrieving data from a
variety of sources, including web APIs and page cleaning. Students will learn the basic syntax of data mining
languages such as R, Python, command line and spreadsheets for research and data manipulation. The course
contains topics on using methods for data analysis.

IFS4302 Project Management (3 Credits; 5 ECTS)

Prerequisites: OPM3131 Introduction to Operations Management

This course offers a comprehensive overview of project management and covers topics such as methodology, tool
sets, and project lifecycle including analysis, planning, design, and evaluation. It provides a good foundation
for beginners who want to learn about the various phases of the system development lifecycle, as well as
different types of documentation.

IFS4304 Business Intelligence Applications (3 Credits; 5 ECTS)

Prerequisites: GEN/OPM 1300 Information & Communication Technologies or GEN/OPM2301 Business Computer
Applications and FIN3121 Principles of finance and MKT3130 Principles of Marketing

This course provides students a comprehensive introduction to the concepts, techniques and applications of
business intelligence (BI). The course will overview of business intelligence, introduce basic business
intelligence terminology, overview of data driven decision making, introduce real-world business intelligence
examples and train skill in using business intelligence software.

IFS4305 Data Visualization (3 Credits; 5 ECTS)

Prerequisites: GEN/OPM 1300 Information and Communication Technologies or GEN/OPM 2301 Business Computer

The course is addressed to students with knowledge on basic data analysis techniques. Students will get started
with building interactive MS Power BI dashboards based on the user needs and required metrics. By the end of the
classes students will become efficient in telling an interactive story using data and providing recommendations
based on it.

IFS4306 ERP systems (3 Credits; 5 ECTS)

Prerequisites: CIT2302 Database Management Systems in Business

ERP Systems are used by large and midsize companies in order to support their daily business transactions,
covering areas such as Sales & Distribution, Procurement, Inventory Management, Production Planning, Finance
and Controlling. Enterprise software designed to integrate every aspect of a company’s operation. The goal of
this course is to familiarize students with business processes and enable them to record transactions in an ERP

IFS4275 Thesis (2 Credits; 4 ECTS)

Prerequisites: completion of the General Education and Program courses

A thesis is a research work on a topic that is in the area of Information Systems and Technology. Students will
be supervised by faculty members in the process. Further details on thesis requirements are provided under the
KIMEP University regulations on this matter.

IFS4277 State Examination (1 Credit; 3 ECTS)

Prerequisites: completion of the General Education and Program courses

Students are required to take the state examination in the major area. Further details on this requirement are
provided under the KIMEP University regulations on this matter.

IFS4280/ IFS4290State Specialized Examinations (2 credits; 4 ECTS)

Prerequisites: completion of the General Education and Program courses

Students can take state specialized examinations under certain conditions. Further details on this requirement
are provided under the KIMEP University regulations on this matter.

IFS4251.2 Internship Program in IS II (2 Credits; 2 ECTS)

Prerequisites: BUS4251.1 Internship Program I and 70 credits completed

Familiarization with the organizational structure of the internship host-organization, with the area of its
activities; learning mode of operation of the organization; learning the organizational documents of the
organization; acquiring the skills of collecting and processing of primary information in the field of
management; carrying out a comparative analysis of the organization; identifying gaps and suggesting the ways to
improve the development of the organization.

IFS4201.2 Cases in IS (substitute) (2 Credits; 2 ECTS)

Prerequisites: BUS4251.1 Internship Program I and 70 credits completed

This course provides students the opportunity to apply their knowledge and skills to address a series of real IT
issues that have arisen in organizations. The variety of cases, in terms of issues addressed and different
organizational settings, provides the opportunity to accelerate learning in a manner not possible in real-life.
Students can expect to develop and apply not only their critical, analytical and decision-making skills but also
those of written and oral communication.

IFS4251.3 Internship Program in IS III (3 Credits; 5 ECTS)

Prerequisites: IFS4251.2 Internship Program in IS II or IFS4201.2 Cases in IS (substitute)

The consolidation and intensification of theoretical knowledge and skills acquired by students through the
process of theoretical learning; the formation of professional competence; the familiarization
with real industrial, technological, and organizational processes going on at the place of internship; the
mastering of the profession’s basics in the operational sphere: the familiarization with and acquirement of the
methodology and technology of professional problem-solving; the collection of the necessary for the preparation
and compilation of the internship report materials. Bases of internship are organizations related to careers in
Information Technologies in Business.

Scholarship opportunities

There are 20 scholarships available for the whole period of education at the Bachelor of Information Systems in
Business program for those who will start their studying process in Fall 2018.

Contact the Office of Financial
, if you would like to apply for scholarship.

Tuition & Fees

Career Prospects
The Bachelor of Information Systems program has been specifically designed to prepare graduates to meet the
diverse needs of contemporary Kazakhstan and global employment markets. Upon completion of the program,
graduates will be able to compete with other highly qualified candidates in these markets. Furthermore, they
will be able to demonstrate firm specialized theoretical knowledge in the field of Information Systems.
Bachelor of Information Systems  program provides students an opportunity to develop many important and valuable
technical skills, advanced analytical skills, and broad business and information systems expertise to build a
stellar career.

Job options related to BISB degree include:
— Application analyst
— Data analyst
— Data scientist
— Business analyst
— Web content manager
— Information systems manager
— IT consultant
— Systems analyst
— Information Systems developer

Typical employers for information systems specialists:
— Financial organizations
— IT companies
— Management consultancy firms
— Software companies
— Universities
— Hospitals
— Local authorities
— Central government
— Online retailers
— Enterprises
— Logistical structures